Sunday, July 20, 2008

Winners vs. Losers

Makes mistakes and says: 'I was wrong'
Credits his good luck for winning even though it wasn't luck
Works harder and has more time Goes through a problem Shows he's sorry by making up for it Knows what to fight for and what to compromise on Says: 'I'm good, but not so good as I ought to be'. Looks up to where he is going.
Respects those who are superior to him and tries to learn from them Responsible for more than his job
Says: 'There ought to be a better way of doing this'

Says: 'It wasn't my fault'
Credits his bad luck for losing, though it wasn't luck
Is always 'too busy', too busy staying at failure
Goes around a problem
Says he's sorry but he does the same thing next time
Compromises on what he should not and wastes time with trivial matters

Says: 'I'm not as bad as a lot of people'. Looks down at those who've not yet achieved the position he has.
Resents those who are superior to him and tries to find fault
Says: "I only work here"
Says: 'Why change it? That's the way it's always been done'

1 comment:

Kr Gaurav said...

i Realy like too much "Winner vs.Loser'.. N let me go through more of ur blogs.... thnx

Kr Gaurav...